A person who is in such poor financial condition that the government (the public) must pay for the cost of his or her care (a charge.) … [Read more...]
(I) By public policy is meant that which the law encourages for the promotion of the public good. 2. That which is against public policy is generally unlawful. For example, to restrain an individual from marrying, or from engaging in business, when the restraint is general, in the first case, to all persons, and, in the second, to all trades, business, or occupations. But if … [Read more...]
A company that is listed on the stock exchange, publicly held by the shareholders and subject to special rules and requirements. … [Read more...]
Property owned by government and used by the general public, e.g. public parks. Property that is owned by a government or a community, property owned by the government or an agency or division for the benefit of the citizens. … [Read more...]
An incorporated company whose shares of stock are sold in the open market on a major stock exchange. … [Read more...]