In the civil law. One who is In his or her minority. Particularly, one who is in ward or guardianship. … [Read more...]
PUPIL Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed. Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed.
In the civil law. One who is In his or her minority. Particularly, one who is in ward or guardianship. … [Read more...] Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed.
Latin: In the civil law. Puplllar substitution; the substitution of an heir to a pupil or infant under puberty. The substitution by a father of an heir to his children under his power, disposing of his own estate and theirs, in case the child refused to accept the inheritance, or died before the age of puberty. Hal-lifax, Civil Law, b. 2, c. 6, no. 64. … [Read more...] Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed.
civil law. That age of a person's life which included infancy and puerility. In Scotch law. That period of minority from the birth to the age of fourteen in males, and twelve in females. Bell. … [Read more...] Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed.
Lat. In the civil law. A ward or infant under the age of puberty; a person under the authority of a tutor, (c. t>.). Pupulus pati posse non intelligitur. A pupil or infant is not supposed to be able to suffer, i.e., to do an act to his own prejudice. Dig. 50, 17, 110, 2. … [Read more...] Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed.
L. Fr. By or for. Used both as a separable particle, and in the composition of such words as "purparty," "purlieu." Pur autre Tie. For the life of another. An estate pur autre vie is an estate which endures only for the life of some particular person other than the grantee. Pur cause de vicinage. By reason of neighborhood. See COMMON. Pur tamt quo. Forasmuch as; because; to the … [Read more...]