Delivery guaranteed on the follow day after receipt by the shipping company. … [Read more...]
What is left beyond a certain amount; the residue, the remainder of a thing. The same as Surplus. 2. The overplus may be certain or uncertain. It is certain, for example, when an estate is worth three thousand dollars, and the owner asserts it to be so in his will, and devises of the proceeds one thousand dollars to A, one thousand dollars to B, and the overplus to C, and in … [Read more...]
Reaching too far and beyond boundaries. Excessive and impermissible reach. … [Read more...]
In a resettlement, a clause which saves the powers of sale and leasing annexed to the estate for life created by the original settlement, when it is desired to give the tenant for life the same estate and powers under the resettlement. The clause is so called because it provides that the resettlement shall be overreached by the exercise of the old powers. If the resettlement … [Read more...]
To supersede; annul; reject by subsequent action or decision. A judicial decision is said to be overruled when a later decision, rendered by the same court or by a superior court in the same system, expresses a judgment upon the same question of law directly opposite to that which was be fore given, thereby depriving the earlier opinion of all authority as a precedent. The term … [Read more...]