To charge more than the price listed or advertised. In criminal matters, to file a criminal charge for a more serious offense than the facts warrant. … [Read more...]
A superintendent or supervisor; a public officer whose duties involve general superintendence of routine affairs. Overseers of highways. The name given, in some of the states, to a board of officers of a city, township, or county, whose special function is the construction and repair of the public roads or highways:Overseers of the poor. Persons appointed or elected to take … [Read more...]
Proved guilty or convicted. Blount. … [Read more...]
Persons appointed or elected to take care of the poor with moneys furnished to them by the public authority. 2. The duties of these officers are regulated by local statutes. In general the overseers are bound to perform those duties, and the neglect of them will subject them to an indictment. … [Read more...]
To draw bills or cheeks upon an individual, bank or other corporation, for a greater amount of funds than the party who draws is entitled to. 2. When a person has overdrawn his account without any intention to do so, and afterwards gives a check on a bank, the holder is required to present it, and on refusal of payment to give notice to the maker, in order to hold him bound for … [Read more...]