The complete dominion, title, or proprietary right in a thing or claim. See PROPERTY. The ownership of a thing is the right of one or more persons to possess and use it to the exclusion of others. In this Code, the thing of which there may be ownership is called "property." Civ. Code Cal { 654. Ownership is the right by which a thing belongs to some one in particular, to the … [Read more...]
Joint ownership where, at death of an owner, that owner's share may pass to the heirs of the deceased. … [Read more...]
In Scotch law. Usury; the taking of interest for money, contrary to law. Bell. … [Read more...]
A restitution anciently made by a hundred or county for any wrong done by one that was within the same. Lamb. Arch. 125. … [Read more...]
In old English law. As much land as an ox could till. Co. Litt 5a. A measure of land of uncertain quantity. In Scotland, it consisted of thirteen acres. Spelman. … [Read more...]