Latin: In the civil law. The benefit or privilege of order; the privilege which a surety for a debtor had of requiring that his principal should be discussed, or thoroughly prosecuted, before the creditor could resort to him. Nov. 4, c. 1; Heinecc. Elem. lib. 3, tit. 21, 883. … [Read more...]
The first entry made by a merchant, tradesman, or other person in his account books, charging another with merchandise, materials, work, or labor, or cash, on a contract made between them. 2. This subject will be divided into three sections. 1. The form of the original entry. 2. The proof of such entry. 3. The effect. 3. Section 1. To make a valid original entry it must possess … [Read more...]
In old English law. Those of the religious who deserted their houses, and, throwing off the habits, renounced their particular order In contempt of their oath and other obligations. Paroch. Antlq. 388. cheap dissertation … [Read more...]
An original document that is entered into evidence. May also refer to first hand evidence. … [Read more...]
Lat. That rule which monks were obliged to observe. Order; regular succession. An order of a court Ordo albus. The white friars or Augustines. Du Cange. Ordo attachlamentorum. In old practice. The order of attachments. Fleta, lib. 2, c. 51, … [Read more...]