A term used in early Mexican land laws to designate certain boundaries within which grants of a smaller tract, which designated such out-boundaries, might be located by the grantee. U. S. ?. Maxwell Land Grant Co., 121 U. S. 325, 7 Sup. Ct 1015, 30 L. Ed. 949. … [Read more...]
This word, though generally directory only, will be taken as mandatory if the context requires it Life Ass'n v. St Louis County Assessors, 49 Mo. 518. … [Read more...]
The consequence produced. The result. … [Read more...]
The twelfth part; the twelfth part of a pound troy or the sixteenth part of a pound avoirdupois. … [Read more...]
Certain districts or tracts of lands in the Orkney Islands were formerly so called, because each paid an annual tax of one ounce of silver. … [Read more...]