The name given to the great hall of the parliament house in Edinburgh, in which the lords ordinary of the court of session sit as single judges to hear causes. The term is used colloquially as expressive of the business done there in contradistinction to the "Inner House," the name given to the chambers in which the first and second divisions of the court of session hold their … [Read more...]
A grave injury; a serious wrong. This is a generic word which is applied to everything, which is injurious, in great degree, to the honor or rights of another. … [Read more...]
Excessively broad in scope and coverage, usually referring to a statute whose coverage in restricting something exceeds legal or constitutional limits. … [Read more...]
To put out; to eject; to remove or deprive; to deprive of the possession or enjoyment of an estate or franchise. … [Read more...]
torts. An ouster is the actual turning out, or keeping excluded, the party entitled to possession of any real property corporeal. 2. An ouster can properly be only from real property corporeal, and cannot be committed of anything movable; nor is a mere temporary trespass considered as an Guster. Any continuing act of exclusion from the enjoyment, constitutes an ouster, even by … [Read more...]