1. Remaining undischarged; unpaid; uncollected; as an outstanding debt 2. Existing as an adverse claim or pretension ; not united with, or merged in, the title or claim of the party; as an outstanding title. Outstanding term. A term in gross at law, which, in equity, may be made attendant upon the inheritance, either by express declaration or by implication. … [Read more...]
Buildings adjoining to or belonging to dwelling-houses. 2. It is not easy to say what comes within and what is excluded from the meaning of out-house. It has been decided that a school-room, separated from the dwelling-house by a narrow passage about a yard wide, the roof of which was partly upheld by that of the dwelling-house, the two buildings, together with some other, and … [Read more...]
Shares issued and held by stockholders (as opposed to the company). … [Read more...]
The Saxon thanes divided their hereditary lands into inland, such as lay nearest their dwelling, which they kept to their own use, and outland, which lay beyond the demesnes, and was granted out to tenants, at the will of the lord, like copyhold estates. This outland they subdivided into two parts. One part they disposed among those who attended their persons, called … [Read more...]
In Scotch law. Out town multures; multures, duties, or tolls paid by persons voluntarily grinding corn at any mill to which they are not thirled, or bound by tenure. 1 Forb. Inst. pt 2, p. 140 … [Read more...]