Latin, meaning No one should depart from a Court of Chancery without a remedy. … [Read more...]
The son of no one; a bastard. 2. A bastard is considered nullius filius as far as regards his right inherit. But the rule of nullius filius does not apply in other respects. 3. The mother of a bastard, during its age of nurture, is entitled to the custody of her child, and is bound to maintain it. The putative father, too, is entitled to the custody of the child as against all … [Read more...]
A collection of units. 2. In pleading, numbers must be stated truly, when alleged in the recital of a record, written instrument, or express contract. But in other cases, it is not in general requisite that they should be truly stated, because they are not required to be strictly proved. If, for example, in an action of trespass the plaintiff proves the wrongful taking away of … [Read more...]
Properly, that which does not exist; that which is not in the nature of things. In a figurative sense it signifies that which has no more effect than if it did not exist. Naught; of no validity or effect. Usually coupled with the word "void;" as null and void." … [Read more...]
An acre of land. Spelman. … [Read more...]