The vacation between term and term, formerly called the time or days of the king's peace. … [Read more...]
Unable to be transferred or assigned to another party. Usually in reference to a monetary instrument and which may also have these words on its face. … [Read more...]
An item that provides a named person or entity only (such as an airline ticket) to be used only by that person or entity and not enable the owner to transfer it to a third party for use by the third party. … [Read more...]
A special traverse used in an action of trover, alleging that defendant was not possessed, at the time of action brought, of the chattels alleged to have been converted by him. … [Read more...]
Neglect to use. Neglect to use a franchise; neglect to exercise an office. 2 Bl. Comm. 153. Neglect or omission to use an easement or other right 3 Kent, Comm. 448. A right acquired by use may be lost by non-user. … [Read more...]