Latin: A new man. This term is applied to a man who has been pardoned of a crime, and so made, as it were, a "new man." … [Read more...]
See NEW ASSIGNMENT. … [Read more...]
The name of an old remedy which was given for a new or recent disseisin. 2. When tenant in fee simple, fee tail, or for term of life, was put out, and digseised of his lands or tenements, rents, find the like; he might sue out a writ of assise or novel disseisin; and if, upon trial, he could prove his title, and his actual seisin, and the disseisin by the present tenant, be was … [Read more...]
Notice provided to a potential purchaser of real estate that parties other than the seller have claims to the property. … [Read more...]
In Scotch law. Open; notorious. A notour bankrupt is a debtor who, being under diligence by horning and caption of his creditor, retires to sanctuary or absconds or defends by force, and is afterwards found insolvent by the court of session. Bell. Nova eonstitntio fntnris formam im ponere debet non prseteritis. A new state of the law ought to affect the future, not the past. 2 … [Read more...]