In old Scotch lav. (We give anew.) The name given to a charter, or clause In a charter, granting a renewal of a right Bell. Novum judieinm mam dat novum Jus, sod doolarat antiquum! quia judieinm est juris diotum et per judieinm jus est noviter revelatnm quod din fnit vela~ tnm. A new adjudication does not make a new law, but declares the old; because adjudication is the … [Read more...]
Novation is the substitution of a new debt or obligation for an existing one. Novation is a contract, consisting of two stipulations, one to extinguish an existing obligation; the other to substitute a new one in its place. Civ. Code La. art. 2185. The term was originally a technical term Of the civil law, but is now in very general use in English and American jurisprudence. In … [Read more...]
Latin: In the civil law. A new work. See Novi OPERIS NUNCIACTIO. … [Read more...]
Unique, unusual. A requirement of intellectual property law with regard to the ability to obtain protection for an invention, idea or brand. … [Read more...]
Latin: A new man. This term is applied to a man who has been pardoned of a crime, and so made, as it were, a "new man." … [Read more...]