contracts. A contract made without a consideration,; it is called a nude or naked contract, because it is not clothed with the consideration required by law, in order to give an action. 2. There are some contracts which, in consequence of their forms, import a consideration, as sealed instruments, and bills of exchange, and promissory notes, which are generally good although no … [Read more...]
The ordinances of the emperor Leo, which were made from the year 887 till the year 893, are so called. These novels changed many rules of the Justinian law. This collection contains one hundred and thirteen novels, written originally in Greek, and afterwards, in 1560, translated into Latin, by Agilaeus. … [Read more...]
New constitutions; generally translated in English, "Novels." The Latin name of those constitutions which were issued by Justinian after the publication of his Code; most of them being originally written in Greek. After his death, a collection of 168 Novels was made, 154 of which had been Issued by Justinian, and the rest by his successors. These were afterwards included in the … [Read more...]
The title given in English to the New Constitutions (Novellae Constituiones) of Civilus. See NOVELLAE. … [Read more...]
Meaning irrespective of or in spite of the following, e.g. notwithstanding the foregoing (where a statement is true despite the fact that a prior mentioned statement might make it appear to be untrue.) … [Read more...]