Latin: In the civil law. An action which lay against the master of a slave, for some offense (as theft or robbery) committed .or damage or injury done by the slave, which was called "noxa." Usually translated "noxal action." … [Read more...]
A nuisance occurs when a party's action significantly affects, interferes or otherwise negatively impacts another’s ability to use and enjoy their own property and which may affect health, safety and welfare. A private nuisance occurs when the violation of rights affects an individual, such as that party's right to the use and quiet enjoyment of his or her property. When a … [Read more...]
Latin: In the civil law. An offense committed or damage done by a slave. Inst 4, 8, 1. … [Read more...]
Usually a term to describe late payment fees, inactivity fees and fees for not carrying a required monthly balance, sometimes a term used by questionable money lenders. … [Read more...]
Hurtful; offensive; offensive to the smell. The word "noxious" includes the complex idea both of insalubrity and offenslveness. Id. … [Read more...]