In old English law. A base sort of money, coined beyond sea in the likeness of English coin, and introduced into England in the reign of Edward III. Prohibited by St. 25 Edw. III. c. 4. Spelman; Cowell. … [Read more...]
Excess and extravagance which was formerly an offense against the public economy, but is not now punishable. Wharton. … [Read more...]
Abbreviation for life without parole; the harshest of prison sentences. … [Read more...]
The gate into a churchyard, with a roof or awning hung on posts over it to cover the body brought for' burial, when it rests underneath. Wharton. … [Read more...]
Sax. In old records. Lief silver or money; a small fine paid by the customary tenant to the lord for leave to plow or sow, etc. Somn. Gavelkind, 27. … [Read more...]