The legal notion that the damages that are awarded to compensate a party for loss or injury should be at least sufficient to put that party in the same position they were in prior to that loss or injury. … [Read more...]
Referring to the benefits a spouse loses as a result of the other spouse being wrongfully injured, e.g. the inability of having the benefit of the other spouse's affection, intimacy, sexual relations and otherwise the comfort of such a close relationship. … [Read more...]
Losing the use of an object for which a plaintiff would have a right of compensation, e.g. the loss of use of an automobile which had been wrongfully taken by another. … [Read more...]
An article is "lost" when the owner has lost the possession or custody of it, involuntarily and by any means, but more particularly by accident or his own negligence or forgetfulness, and when he is ignorant of its whereabouts or cannot recover it by an ordinarily diligent search. Lost or not lost. A phrase sometimes inserted in policies of marine insurance to signify that the … [Read more...]
These words are sometimes inserted in policies of marine insurance. They are used when the underwriter undertakes that if the ship or goods should be lost at the time of the insurance, still the underwriter is liable, provided there is no fraud. … [Read more...]