See "prescription" - the effect of how the passage of time may create or destroy rights. The law of prescription is commonly understood as a statute of limitations. A popular example of prescription in the United States is adverse possession" where there is a presumption of abandonment of land after an extended period of time passes without being inhabited or openly claimed. … [Read more...]
A person of deranged or unsound mind; a person whose mental faculties are in the condition called "lunacy," (q. v.) Lunaticus, qui gaudet in lucidis in tervallis. He is a lunatic who enjoys lucid intervals. 1 Story, Cont. … [Read more...]
A common phrase used to express the vengeance of a mob, inflicting an injury, and committing an outrage upon a person suspected of some offence. In England this is called Lidford Law. Toml.L. Dict. art. Lidford Law. … [Read more...]
In old Englisff law. A silver penny, so called because it was to be coined only at t London, (a Londres,) and not at the country mints. Lown. Essay Coins, 17; Cowell. … [Read more...]
This statute renders marriages within the prohibited degrees absolutely null and void. Theretofore such marriages were voidable merely. … [Read more...]