In English law. An ancient record remaining with the remembrancer of the exchequer, being an inquisition or survey of all the lands in England; taken in the reign of Edward I. by John de Kirby, his treasurer. Blount; Cowell … [Read more...]
An English advocate who holds, In the courts in which the rules of the canon and civil law prevail, a similar position to that which the attorney general holds in the ordinary courts, i. e, he acts as counsel for the crown In ecclesiastical, admiralty, and probate cases, and advises the crown on questions of international law. In order of precedence it seems that he ranks after … [Read more...]
In Scotch law. .A church; the church; the established church of Scotland. Kirk-mate. A meeting of parishioners on church affaire. Kirk-officer. The beadle of a church in Scotland. Kirk-session. A parochial church court in Scotland, consisting of the ministers and elders of each parish. … [Read more...]
(King's Bench) The name of the supreme court of law in England. It is so called because formerly the king used to sit there in person, the style of the court being still coram ipso rege, before the king himself. During the reign of a queen, it is called the Queen's Bench, and during the protectorate of Cromwell, it was called the Upper Bench. It consists of a chief justices and … [Read more...]
Kissing the bible is a ceremony used in taking the corporal oath, the object being, as the canonists say, to denote the assent of the witness to the oath in the form it is imposed. The witness kisses either the whole bible, or some portion of it; or a cross in some countries. … [Read more...]