Usually in reference to a crime, to know and to intend, to be fully aware of one's actions and the purpose of one's actions. … [Read more...]
A proctor or solicitor representing the crown in the former practice of the courts of probate and divorce. In petitions for dissolution of marriage, or for declarations of nullity of marriage, the king's proctor may, under the direction of the attorney general, and by leave of the court, intervene in the suit for the purpose of proving collusion between the parties. Mozley … [Read more...]
A rascal; a false, tricky, or deceitful person. The word originally meant a boy, attendant, or servant, but long-continued usage has given it its present signification. … [Read more...]
An officer of the central office of the English supreme court. Formerly he was an officer of the exchequer, and had important duties to perform in protecting the rights of the crown; e.g. by instituting proceedings for the recovery of land by writs of intrusion, (q. v.,) and for the recovery of legacy and succession duties; but of late years administrative changes have lessened … [Read more...]
A portion of grain given to a mill-servant from tenants who were bound to grind their grain at such mill. … [Read more...]