Kentucky Journal of Equine, Agriculture, and Natural Resources Law … [Read more...]
(Knight's Service) Eng. law. It was, formerly, a tenure of lands. Those who held by knight's service were called: milites qui per loricas terras suas defendant;: soldiers who defend the country by their armor. The incidents of knight's service were. homage, fealty, warranty, wardship, marriage, reliefs, heriots, aids, escheats, and forfeiture. Vide Socage. … [Read more...]
Ky. L.J.
Kentucky Law Journal … [Read more...]
A species of feudal tenure, which differed very slightly from a pure and perfect feud, being entirely of a military nature; and it was the flrst, most universal, and most honorable of the feudal tenures. To make a tenure by knight-service, a determinate quantity of land was necessary, which was called a "knight's fee," (feodum militate) the measure of which was estimated at 680 … [Read more...]
Know Your Customer; due diligence activities required to be taken by specified financial institutions and some regulated companies. … [Read more...]