In Scotch law. The act of the sheriff in ascertaining the just proportion of the husband's lands which belong to the widow in right of her terce or dower. Bell. … [Read more...]
In English law. An engrosser of corn to enhance its price. Also a huckster. … [Read more...]
Kan. J.L. & Pub. Pol’y
Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy … [Read more...]
In maritime law. A permanent ballast, consisting usually of pigs of iron, cast in a particular form, or other weighty material, which, on account of its superior cleanliness, and the small space occupied by it, is frequently preferred to ordinary ballast Abb. Shipp. 5. … [Read more...]
In old English law. A dam or open wear in a river, with a loop or narrow cut in it, accommodated for the laying of engines to catch fish. 2 Inst. 88; Blount … [Read more...]