In Roman law. A right or privilege allowed to the parent of three or more children. 2 Kent, Comm. 85; 2 Bl. Comm. 247. These privileges were an exemption from the trouble of guardianship, priority in bearing offices', and a treble proportion of corn. Adams, Rom. Ant. (Am. Ed.) 227. … [Read more...]
Judges. Officers appointed by a competent authority to administer justice. They are so called, because, in ancient times the Latin word for judge was justicia. This term is in common parlance used to designate justices of the peace. … [Read more...]
The right to use property, without destroying its substance. It is employed in contradistinction to the jus abutendi. 3 Toull. n. 86. … [Read more...]
The right of hunting and fishing. Jus vendit quod usns approbavit. Ellesm. Postn. 85. The law dispenses what use. has approved. … [Read more...]
Lat. An oath. Jus jurandum inter alios factum nee nocere nee prodesse debet. An oath made between others ought neither to hurt nor profit. 4 Inst. 279. … [Read more...]