civil law. A collection of the constitutions of the emperors, from Adrian to Justinian; the greater part of those from Adrian to Constantine are mere rescripts; those from Constantine to Justinian are edicts or laws, properly speaking. 2. The code is divided into twelve books, which are subdivided into titles, in which the constitutions are collected under proper heads. They … [Read more...]
See justiciable or capable of being heard and adjuciated in a court of law. A matter which can be heard before the court. … [Read more...]
A civilian; one who studies the civil law. … [Read more...]
A matter which is capable of being adjudicated by a court of law, e.g. a justiciable issue. Proper to be examined in courts of justice. … [Read more...]
Lat. Justice. A jurisdiction, or the office of a judge. Justitia piepoudrous. Speedy justice. Bract. 3336. Justitia debet esse libera, quia nihil iniquius veuali justitia; plena, quia justitia non debet elaudioare; et eeleris, quia dilatio est quiedam negatio. Justice ought to be free, because nothing is more iniquitous than venal justice; full, because Justice ought not to … [Read more...]