See justiciable or capable of being heard and adjuciated in a court of law. A matter which can be heard before the court. … [Read more...]
A civilian; one who studies the civil law. … [Read more...]
A matter which is capable of being adjudicated by a court of law, e.g. a justiciable issue. Proper to be examined in courts of justice. … [Read more...]
Lat. Justice. A jurisdiction, or the office of a judge. Justitia piepoudrous. Speedy justice. Bract. 3336. Justitia debet esse libera, quia nihil iniquius veuali justitia; plena, quia justitia non debet elaudioare; et eeleris, quia dilatio est quiedam negatio. Justice ought to be free, because nothing is more iniquitous than venal justice; full, because Justice ought not to … [Read more...]
In old English law. A judge or justice. One of several persons learned in the law, who sat in the aula regis, and formed a kind of court of appeal In cases of difficulty. High justicier. In old French and Canadian law. A feudal lord who exercised the right called "high justice." Guyot Inst Feod. c 26. … [Read more...]