med. jur. This plant is commonly called savine. 2. It is used for lawful purposes in medicine, but too frequently for the criminal intent of producing abortion, generally endangering the life of the woman. It is usually administered in powder or oil. The dose of oil for lawful purposes, for a grown person, is from two to four drops. Parr's Med. Dictionary, article Sabina. … [Read more...]
A term in the civil law. The oath called juramentum judiciale is that which the judge, of his own accord, defers to either of the parties. 2. It is of two kinds. 1st. That which the judge defers for the decision of the cause, and which is understood by the general name juramentum judiciale, and is sometimes called suppletory oath, juramentum suppletorium. 3. 2d. That which the … [Read more...]
Unsolicited bulk faxes, usually sent by marketers. … [Read more...]
Latin: To swear; to take an oath. Jurare est Deum in testem vocare, et est actus divini cultus. 3 Inst 165. To swear is to call God to witness, and is an act of religion. … [Read more...]
Unsolicited bulk mail, usually sent by marketers. … [Read more...]