In English law. A writ directed to the sheriff, empowering hlin, for the sake of dispatch, to try au action in his county court for a larger amount than he has the ordinary power to do. It is so called because it is a commission to the sheriff to do the party justice, the word itself meaning,"You may do justice to 3 Bl. Comm." … [Read more...]
A special court which hears cases that involves minor children. The court may hear cases involving criminal conduct by minors as well as those involving the general health and welfare of minors, such as the abuse or neglect of minors by parents or guardians. … [Read more...]
Warranted. Reasonable. Able to be justified. Rightful; warranted or sanctioned by law; that which can be shown to be sustained by law; as justifiable homicide. See HOMICIDE. … [Read more...]
Wrongful acts committed by minors and children. May also refer to failure to attend school and commission of criminal offenses. … [Read more...]
That which is committed with the intention to kill, or to do a grievous bodily injury, under circumstances which the law holds sufficient to exculpate the person who commits it. 2. It is justifiable, 1. When a judge or other magistrate acts in obedience to the law. 2. When a ministerial officer acts in obedience to a lawful warrant, issued by a competent tribunal. 3. When a … [Read more...]