An old name for a judge or justice. The word is formed on the analogy of the Latin "justiciarius" and French "justiciar." … [Read more...]
In Spanish law. The name anciently given to a high judicial magistrate, or supreme judge, who was the ultimate interpreter, of the laws, and possessed other high powers. … [Read more...]
The chief criminal court of Scotland, consisting of five lords of session, added to the justice general and justice clerk; of whom the justice general, and, in his absence, the justice clerk, is president. This court has a jurisdiction over all crimes, and over the whole of Scotland. BelK … [Read more...]
Exercises between martial men and persons of honor, with spears, on horseback; different from tournament a, which were military exercises between many men in troops. 24 Hen. VIII. c. 13. Justum non est aliquem antenatnm mortuum faeere bastardnm, qui pro tota vita sua pro legitimo babetnr. It is not just to make a bastard after his death one elder born who all his life has been … [Read more...]
Judicature; prerogative. … [Read more...]