A crime referring to attempts to unlawfully influence members of a jury to side with one party other than by in court evidence, testimony and argument. For example, bribing a juror, threatening a juror or the juror's family. … [Read more...]
In old English law. The right of bench. The right or privilege of having an elevated and separate seat of judgment, anciently allowed only to the king's judges, who hence were said to administer high justice, (summam administrant justir tiam.) Blount … [Read more...]
A trial where a jury is present and will be charged with rendering a verdict. … [Read more...]
The law of war. The law of nations as applied to a state of war defining in particular the rights and duties of the belligerent powers themselves and of neutral nations. The right of war; that which may be done without injustice with regard to an enemy. … [Read more...]
One member of a jury of matrons, (q. v.) … [Read more...]