The right of disposing of realty by will. Du Cange. … [Read more...]
In the civil and old English law. The right of drawing water. Fleta, lib. 4, c 27, s 1. … [Read more...]
A double right; the right of possession united with the right of property; otherwise called "droit-droit." 2 Bl. Comm. 199. Jus est ars boni et sequi. Law is the science of what is good and just. Dig. 1, 1, 1, 1; Bract fol. 2ft. Jus est norma recti; et quioquid est contra normam recti est injuria. Law is a rule of right; and whatever is contrary to the rule of right is an … [Read more...]
The body of Roman law, which was made up of edicts of the supreme magistrates, particularly the praetors. … [Read more...]
Lat. In Roman law. Right; justice; law; the whole body of law; also a right. The term is used in two meanings: 1. "Jus" means "law," considered in the abstract; that is, as distinguished from any specific enactment, the science or department of learning, or quasi personified factor in human history or conduct or social development which we call, in a general sense, "the law." … [Read more...]