In the civil law. The right of sewerage or drainage. An easement consisting in the right of having a sewer, or of conducting surface water, through the house or over the ground of one's neighbor. Mackeld. Rom. Law, … [Read more...]
The civil law of Paplrius. The title of the earliest collection of Roman leges curiatas, said to have been made in the time of Tarquin, the last of the kings, by a pontifex maximus of the name of Sextus or Publius Paplrius. Very few fragments of this collection now remain, and the authenticity of these has been doubted. Mackeld. Rom. Law, … [Read more...]
Latin meaning A right against a person; a right which gives its possessor a power to oblige another person to give or procure to do or not to do something. … [Read more...]
Principles of international law that are fundamental and cannot be ignored by any country, for example, intentional murder. … [Read more...]
In Roman law. The law of arms, or of heralds. A rudimentary species of international law founded on the rites and religious ceremonies of the different peoples. … [Read more...]