The law of nature. See JUS NATURALE. … [Read more...]
In the civil law. A present or vested right; a right already completely acquired. Mackeld. Rom. Law, … [Read more...]
Latin meaning law of nature. … [Read more...]
In the civil law. The discretion of the praetor, as distinct from the leges, or standing laws. 3 Bl. Comm. 49. That kind of law which the praetors introduced for the purpose of aiding supplying, or correcting the civil law for the public benefit Dig. 1, 1, 7. Called, also, "jus honorarium," (q. v.) … [Read more...]
The natural law, or law of nature; law, or legal principles, supposed to be discoverable by the light of nature or abstract reasoning, or to be taught by nature to all nations and men alike; or law supposed to govern men and peoples in a state of nature, 4. c, in advance of organized governments or enacted laws. This conceit originated with the philosophical jurists of Rome, … [Read more...]