Lat. In the civil and old English law. An intestate; one who dies without a will. Dig. 50, 17, 7. Intestatus decedit, qui aut omnino testamentum non fecit ; aut non jure fecit; aut id quod fecerat ruptum irritumve factum est ; aut nemo ex eo haeres exstitit. A person dies intestate who either has made no testament at all or has made one not legally valid; or if the testament he … [Read more...]
The state of being poisoned; the condition produced by the administration or introduction into the human system of a poison. But in its popular use this term is restricted to alcoholic intoxication, that is, drunkenness or inebriety, or the mental and physical condition induced by drinking excessive quantities of alcoholic liquors, and this "is its meaning as used in statutes, … [Read more...]
1. A close friendship. 2. Confidential relations. 3. Sexual intercourse between people who are not married to each other. … [Read more...]
Lat. In; near; within. "Infra" or "inter" has taken the place of "intra." In many of the more modern Latin phrases. … [Read more...]
In the civil law. A notification to a party that some step in a legal proceeding is asked or will be taken. Particularly, a notice given by the party taking an appeal, to the other party, that the court above will hear the appeal. In Scotch law. A formal written notice, drawn by a notary, to be served on a party against whom a stranger has acquired a right or claim; e.g., the … [Read more...]