Lat. Homicide, (q. v.) . Homicidium ex justitia, homicide in the administration of justice, or in the execution of the sentence of the law. Homicidium ex necessitate, homicide from inevitable necessity, as for the protection of one's person or property. Homicidium ex casu, homicide by accident. Homicidium ex voluntate, voluntary or willful homicide. Bract fols. 120b, 121. … [Read more...]
The port where the owner of a ship resides; this is a relative term. … [Read more...]
An investigation of prospective adoptive parents to make sure they are fit to raise a child, required by all states. Common areas of inquiry include financial stability, marital stability, lifestyles and other social factors, physical and mental health and criminal history. … [Read more...]
The holder of a bill of exchange, promissory note, or check is the person who has legally acquired the possession of the same, from a person capable of transferring it, by indorsement or delivery, and who is entitled to receive payment of the instrument from the party or parties liable to meet it. Bowling v. Harrison, 6 How. 258, 12 L. Ed. 425; Crocker-Wool worth Nat. Bank v. … [Read more...]
In Spanish law. A holograph. An instrument (particularly a will) wholly in the handwriting of the person executing it; or which, to be valid, must be so written by his own hand. … [Read more...]