A writ to take him that had taken any bond man or woman, and led him or her out of the country, so that he or she could not be replevied according to law. Reg. Orig. 79. … [Read more...]
Sax. Having in hand. See HANDHABEND. … [Read more...]
In old English law. A writ directed to a corporation, requiring the members to make choice of a man to keep one part of the seal appointed for statutes merchant, when a former is dead, according to the statute of Acton Burnell. Reg. Orig. 178; Wharton. … [Read more...]
Lat. To live honorably, creditably, or virtuously. One of the three general precepts to which Justinian reduced the whole doctrine of the law, (Inst. 1, 1, 3; Bract, fols. 3, 3b,) the others being alterum non ldere, (not to injure others,) and suum cuique tribuere, (to render to every man his due.) … [Read more...]
In English law. A writ which lay to replevy a man out of prison, or out of the custody of any private person, in the same manner that chattels taken In distress may be replevied. Brown. … [Read more...]