A witness called by a party for direct examination but who appears so hostile or adverse to the party calling the witness that a court may allow the party calling the witness to treat the witness as an adverse witness. This allows the calling party to question the witness as if the witness was testifying on behalf of the opposing party and the same rules of cross examination … [Read more...]
Inns. Hospitia communis common inns. Bfig. Orig. 105. Hospitia curfew, inns of court Hospitia cancellarice, inns of chancery. Crabb, Eng. Law, 428, 429 ; 4 Reeve, Eng. Law, 120. … [Read more...]
Poor work conditions which usually reflect harassment, discrimination or other abusive conduct that may rise to the level that would be a legitimate basis for an employment lawsuit. … [Read more...]
One that kills his guest or host. … [Read more...]
A state of open enmity; open war. Wolff, Dr. de la Rat. Section 1191. Hostility, as it regards individuals, may be permanent or temporary; it is permanent when the individual is a citizen or subject of the government at war, and temporary when he happens to be domiciliated or resident in the country of one of the belligerents; in this latter case the individual may throw off … [Read more...]