A criminal offense for which a prosecutor has an option of charging the criminal defendant with a lesser or more severe offense, e.g. a summary conviction versus an indictable offense. … [Read more...]
In old English law. Husbandry. Dyer, (Fr. Ed.) 350. … [Read more...]
In old English law. Hide; skin. A measure of land, containing, according to some, a hundred acres, which quantity is also assigned to it in the Dialogue de Bcaccario. It seems, however, that the hide varied in different parts of the kingdom. … [Read more...]
An usher of a court. In France, an officer of this name performs many of the duties which in this country devolve on the sheriff or constable. Dalloz, Dict. h. t. See 3 Wend. 173. … [Read more...]
In English law. The Inhabitants or freeholders of a hundred, anciently the suitors or judges of the hundred court Persons Impaneled or fit to be impaneled upon juries, dwelling within the hundred where the cause of action arose. Cromp. Jur. 217. It was formerly necessary to have some of these upon every panel of jurors. 3 BL Comm. "859, 360; 4 Steph. Comm. 870. The term … [Read more...]