A supposition, assumption, or theory; a theory set up by the prosecution, on a criminal trial, or by the defense, as an explanation of the facts in evidence, and a ground for Inferring guilt or Innocence, as the case may be, or as indicating a probable or possible motive for the crime. … [Read more...]
Theoretical, based on assumptions which are not necessarily true and use to determine a potential outcome. … [Read more...]
A combination of assumed or proved facts and circumstances, stated In such form as to constitute a coherent and specific situation or state of facts, upon which the opinion of an expert is asked, by way of evidence on a trial. … [Read more...]
The basis, in England, of rating lands and hereditaments to the poor-rate, and to other rates and taxes that are expressed to be leviable or assessable in like manner as the poor-rate. … [Read more...]
In old English law. A parish. … [Read more...]