George Mason Law Review … [Read more...]
A name given to the process of dividing a state or other territory into the authorized civil or political divisions, but with such a geographical arrangement as to accomplish a sinister or unlawful purpose, as, for instance, to secure a majority for a given political party in districts where the result would be otherwise if they were divided according to obvious natural lines, … [Read more...]
In English law. A person of superior birth. Under the denomination of "gentlemen" are comprised all above yeoman; whereby noblemen are truly called "gentlemen." Smith de Bep. Ang. lib, 1. cc 20, 21. A "gentleman" is defined to be one who, without any title, bears a coat of arms, or whose ancestors have been freemen; and, by the coat that a gentleman giveth, he is known to be, … [Read more...]
Geo. Mason U. C.R. L.J.
George Mason University Civil Rights Law Journal … [Read more...]
In old English law. Finable; liable to be amerced at the discretion of the lord of a manor. Cowell. … [Read more...]