Villein-socmen, who could not be removed from the land while they did the service due. Bract, c. 7; 1 Reeve, Eng. Law, 269. … [Read more...]
Common phrase used in wills meaning that the testator leaves property to a person. … [Read more...]
Turfs dug out of the ground. Cowell. … [Read more...]
To inform someone of something, such as a legal action being filed, that a legal action will be filed, an intention not to renew a month to month lease, to notify in advance that an employee will leave a job, etc. … [Read more...]
In ecclesiastieal law. The land possessed as part of the endowment or revenue of a church or ecclesiastical benefice. In Roman law. A clod; turf; soil. Hence, the soil of an inheritance; an agrarian estate. Servi addicti glebes were serfs attached to and passing with the estate. Cod. 11, 47, 7, 21; Nov. 54, 1. … [Read more...]