Referring to or involving the government. … [Read more...]
An old form of the word "cucking-stool," (q. v.) Cowell. … [Read more...]
L. Lat. A jester, buffoon, or juggler. Spelman, voc. "Goliar-densis." … [Read more...]
It was an ancient custom on a maiden assize, when there was no offender to be tried, for the sheriff to present the judge with a pair of white gloves. It is an immemorial custom to remove the glove from the right hand on taking oath. Wharton. … [Read more...]
In various compound phrases (as those which follow) this term Implies either motion, progress, active operation, or present and continuous validity and efficacy. Goine; before the wind. In the language of manners and In the rules of navigation, a vessel is said to be going "before the wind" when the wind is free as respects her course, that is, comes from behind the vessel or … [Read more...]