civil law. A pilot or steersman of a ship. … [Read more...]
The state or condition of a person who has committed a crime, misdemeanor or offence. 2. This word implies a malicious intent, and must be applied to something universally allowed to be a crime. Cowp. 275. 3. In pleading, it is a plea by which a defendant who is charged with a crime, misdemeanor or tort, admits or confesses it. In criminal proceedings, when the accused is … [Read more...]
In military law. An Independent body of marauders or armed men, not regularly or organically connected with the armies' of either belligerent who carry on a species of irregular war, chiefly by depredation and massacre. … [Read more...]
Having knowledge that a wrongful act is being committed, such as purchasing goods that one knows or should know are stolen. … [Read more...]
L. Fr. Abandoned; left; deserted. Britt c 33. … [Read more...]