A cemetery; a place for the interment of dead bodies; sometimes defined in statutes as a place where a minimum number of persons (as "six or more") are buried. See Stockton v. Weber, 98 Cal. 433, 83 Pac 332. Graveyard insurance. A term applied to insurances fraudulently obtained (as. by false personation or other means) on the lives of infants, very aged persons, or those in … [Read more...]
In old records. The grazing or turning up the earth with a plow. The name of a customary service for Inferior tenants to bring their plows, and do one day's work for their lords. Cowell. … [Read more...]
Grievous; great. Ad grave damnum to the grievous damage. … [Read more...]
Rogation week, so called anciently in the inns of court and chancery. … [Read more...]
A graf; a chief magistrate or officer. A term derived from the more ancient "graflo" and used in combination with various other words, as an official title in Germany; as Margravius, Rheingravius, Landgravius, etc. Spelman. Gravins est divinam quam temperalem lsedere majestatem. It is more serious to hurt divine than temporal majesty. 11 Coke, 29. … [Read more...]