The statute 10 Geo. III. c. 16, by which the jurisdiction over parliamentary election petitions was transferred from the whole house of commons to select committees Repealed by 9 Geo. IV. c. 22. II. … [Read more...]
In old English law. A grove; a small wood; a coppice or thicket Co. Litt 4b. A thick wood of high trees. Blount. … [Read more...]
The grievance complained of; the substantial cause, of the action. The primary or essential element of a lawsuit of an issue. The gravamen of the complaint. The burden or gist of a charge; the grievance or injury specially complained of. In English ecclesiastieal law. A grievance complained of by the clergy before the bishops in convocation. … [Read more...]
In old English law. An accusation or impeachment. Leg. Ethel, c 19. … [Read more...]
These are irrevocable trusts whose purpose is to save on estate tax. During the life of the trust, you may keep income from trust property or use of the property. When the trust ends, the property is distributed to the named final beneficiaries. These are usually created by wealthy people who are not afraid to part with significant assets. Primary trust types include: (i) … [Read more...]