In French law. Registrars, or clerks of the courts. They are officials attached to the courts to assist the judges in their duties. They keep the minutes, write out the judgments, orders, and other decisions given by the tribunals, and deliver copies thereof to applicants. … [Read more...]
A liquor saloon, barroom, or dram-shop; a place where intoxicating liquor is sold to be drunk on the premises. See Leesburg v. Putnam, 103 Ga. 110, 29 S. E. 602. … [Read more...]
The code or collection of constitutions made by the Roman jurist Gregorius. See CODEX GREGORIANUS. … [Read more...]
In old records. A deep hollow or pit; a bog or miry place. Cowell. … [Read more...]
The time from which the Gregorian calendar or computation dates; i.e., from the year 1582. … [Read more...]