A claim made by a union or an employee who is a member of a union stating that some part of a collective bargaining agreement has been breached and a claim has arisen. … [Read more...]
Energy that is derived from natural resources. Solar power, wind power, those sources of power which are deemed safe and not artificially produced. … [Read more...]
An arbitration proceeding to hear the merits regarding a grievance, a claim made by a union or an employee who is a member of a union stating that some part of a collective bargaining agreement has been breached. … [Read more...]
A feudal custom in the manor of Writtel, in Essex, where every tenant whose front door opens to Greenbury shall pay a half-penny yearly to the lord, by the name of "green silver" or "rent" Cowell … [Read more...]
Aggrieved. 8 East, 22. … [Read more...]