In old English law and practice. To expel from court for some offense or misconduct When an officer or attorney of a court was expelled for any offense, or for not appearing to an action by bill filed against him, he was said to be forejudged the court. Cowell To deprive or put out of a thing by the judgment of a court To condemn to lose a thing. To expel or banish. Forejudge. … [Read more...]
The name of a writ. By virtue of a foreign attachment, the property of an absent debtor is seised for the purpose of compelling an appearance, and, in default of that, to pay the claim of the plaintiff. Vide Attachment. … [Read more...]
An officer of the court who is expelled the same, is, in the English law, said to be forejudged the court. Cunn. Dict. h. t. … [Read more...]
com. law. The money of foreign nations. 2. Congress have, from time to time, regulated the rates at which certain foreign coins should pass. The acts now in force are the following. … [Read more...]
The presiding member of a grand or petit jury, who speaks or answers for the jury. … [Read more...]