Old law. The name of a penalty formerly incurred by a ward in chivalry, when he or she married contrary to the wishes of his or her guardian in chivalry. The latter, who was the ward's lord, had an interest in controlling the marriage of his female wards, and he could exact a price for his consent and, at length, it became customary to sell the marriage of wards of both sexes. … [Read more...]
Foresaken; disavowed. 10 Edw. II. c. 1. … [Read more...]
A quit-rent; a small reserved rent in money. Jacob. … [Read more...]
The likelihood of the consequences as a result of an action that a reasonable person would expect to happen. The likelihood that someone would reasonably anticipate or foresee the result of an act, usually the damage that would be caused as a result of an action. For example, driving a car recklessly into a typically crowded street would likely result in the serious physical … [Read more...]
To fabricate, construct, or prepare one thing in imitation of another thing, with the intention of substituting the false for the genuine, or otherwise deceiving and defrauding by the use of the spurious article. To counterfeit or make falsely. Especially, to make a spurious written instrument with the intention of fraudulently substituting it for another, or of passing it off … [Read more...]