In old English law. Banished. … [Read more...]
FORM 1040
Income tax form for taxpayers. … [Read more...]
Lat. To forfeit; to lose an estate or other property on account of some criminal or illegal act. To confiscate. To act beyond the law, i.e., to transgress or infringe the law; to commit an offense or wrong: to do any act against or beyond thet law. See Co. Litt. 59a; Du Cange; Spelman. Forisfacere, 1. c, extra legem con consuetudinem facere. Co. Litt. 59. Forisfacere, i. e, to … [Read more...]
A standard set of questions that a party may use when it questions an opposing party or witnesses in a lawsuit. Typically they cover the most common issues of a certain type of case, e.g. landlord tenant, auto accident, etc. … [Read more...]
Forfeited. Bona forisfacta, forfeited goods. 1 Bl. Comm. 299. A crime. Du Cange; Spelman. … [Read more...]