In old English law. Prolocutor; paranymphus. … [Read more...]
FORSPECA Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed. Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed.
In old English law. Prolocutor; paranymphus. … [Read more...] Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed.
In common law practice, a set form of words used in judicial proceedings. In the civil law, an action. Calvin. … [Read more...] Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed.
See FORESTALL. Forstellarius est pauperum depressor, et totius communitatis et patriae publicus inimicus. A forestaller is an oppressor of the poor, and a public enemy of the whole community and country. … [Read more...] Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed.
In Roman law. When the legis actiones were proved to be inconvenient, a mode of procedure called "per formulas," (i.e., by means of formula,) was gradually introduced, and eventually the legis actiones were abolished by the Lex Asbutia, B. C. 164, excepting in a very few exceptional matters. The formula were four In number, namely: (1) The Demonstratio, wherein the plaintiff … [Read more...] Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed.
In criminal law. To make oath to that which the deponent knows to be untrue. This term is wider in its scope than "perjury," for the latter, as a technical term, includes the idea of the oath being taken before a competent court or officer, and relating to a material issue, which is not implied by the word "forswear". … [Read more...]