In old English law. The duty levied on the inhabitants for repairing the moat or ditch round a fortified town. … [Read more...]
Accidental; undesigned; adventitious. Resulting from unavoidable physical causes. Fortuitous collision. In maritime law. The accidental running foul of vessels. Peters v. Warren Ins. Co., 14 Pet. 112. 10 L. Ed. 3T1. Fortuitous event. In the civil law. That which happens by a cause which cannot be resisted. An unforeseen occurrence, not caused by either of the parties, nor such … [Read more...]
In old English law. Fosse work; or the service of laboring, done by Inhabitants and adjoining tenants, for the repair and maintenance of the ditches round a city or town, for which some paid a contribution, called "oasopiam." Cowell … [Read more...]
A term in the civil law to denote that which happens by a cause which cannot be resisted. Louis. Code, art. 2522, No. 7. Or it is that which neither of the parties has occasioned, or could prevent. Lois des Bat. Pt. 2, c. 2, Section 1. It is also defined to be an unforeseen event which cannot be prevented. Dict. de Jurisp. Cas fortuit. 2. There is a difference between a … [Read more...]
A dyke, ditch, or trench; a place inclosed by a ditch ; a moat; a canal. … [Read more...]